| 1. | If you are under 26 you can buy cheap rail tickets . 若你不满26岁,可购买廉价火车票。 |
| 2. | If you are under 26 you can buy cheap rail tickets 未满26岁者可购买廉价火车票 |
| 3. | Prices for rail tickets from zurich airport to city including tram 士机场到市区的铁路票价 |
| 4. | Standard class tickets are available from all east rail ticket vending machines 普通等车票可于各东铁车站售票机购买。 |
| 5. | Winners of the five age categories , in which the entries were judged , received prizes including certificates , cash awards , free kcr east rail tickets and commemorative ticket sets at the ceremony 大会将参赛作品按参赛者年龄分成五个组别。五个组别的得奖者获得的奖品包括奖状、现金奖、免费东铁车票,以及纪念套票。 |
| 6. | The commemorative ticket set , featuring the original livery of the phase 1 light rail vehicles ( lrvs ) , will be available for sale from 30 october ( monday ) at all light rail customer services centres , east rail ticket offices and 47 daily shops 星期一)起,在所有轻铁客务中心、东铁票务处及四十七间地利店发售。 |
| 7. | Anonymous octopus cards are available from any east rail ticket office , light rail customer services centres , mtr customer services centres , airport express customer services centres , and new world first ferry octopus service centres 普通八达通可于九广东铁售票处、九广轻铁客务中心、地铁客务中心、机场快线客务中心,以及新渡轮八达通服务站购买。 |
| 8. | The commemorative ticket set is available at all kcr light rail customer services centres and four east rail ticket offices at hung hom station , shatin station , tai po market station & sheung shui station , as well as 48 designated daily shops in mtrc stations and major shopping centres 纪念票在所有九广轻铁客务中心、四个东铁售票处(红? 、沙田、大埔墟及上水)及四十八间位于地铁沿线及指定商场的地利店发售。 |
| 9. | The commemorative ticket set will be available at all kcr light rail customer services centres and east rail ticket offices at mong kok station , sha tin station , tai po market station and sheung shui station , as well as eight designated daily stops and five designated sai cheong newspaper stores 纪念票将于所有九广轻铁客务中心、九广东铁旺角站、沙田站、大埔墟站及上水站售票处,八间指定地利店及五间指定世昌便利店发售。 |
| 10. | Ith kcrmtr millennium commemorative tickets , you can enjoy unlimited rides on both kcr east rail , kcr light rail and mtr . the standard versions and family packs are now available at kcr east rail ticket offices , light rail customer services centres , mtr customer services centres , telford plaza and the peak galleries 九广铁路公司及地铁公司首次携手合作推出的千禧纪念票珍藏版瞬即售罄,现只尚馀少量精装版及优惠家庭套装在九广东铁各售票处、轻铁客务中心、地铁客务中心、地铁旅游服务中心、德福广场、山顶广场有售。 |